Saturday, May 28, 2011

TNT Anniversary Party

Although TNT and I have only celebrated a loyal 7 years together (did I mention they owe me a bronze gift?), it has proudly turned 25! Yowwzaa they're getting old! But for the sake of fashion I hope they live on forever, flaunting stylish wrinkles and trend setting garments.

To celebrate, I attended their cocktail party, brushing arms with some very fashionable people. It just so happened (with fingers crossed and spies in every corner) I ‘bumped’ into non other then Nicole Richie. She’s even more beautiful (and skinny) in person!

Ending the night, my friends and I were interviewed by Dan Levy (former MTV host) but I have yet to find the footage! It’s the thought memory that counts, right?

Free People Jacket, Jbrand Cargos, Zara Tank, Donald J Pliner shoes, Olivia Harris Bag
Photos thanks to the Lovely Devyn Olin


1 comment:

  1. So awesome, you have a great blog.
    Following you.
